Wave of medical refugees to flee California as SB 277 transforms state into autism capital of America

Thursday, July 2, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: Ethan A. Huff
Thursday, July 02, 2015

California just went from being one of the freest states in the nation to one of the most oppressive, at least from the perspective of medical freedom. Following its rapid passage through the state legislature, Senate Bill 277 to eliminate personal vaccine exemptions has officially been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown, a move that’s prompted many parents to begin looking for refuge in nearby states where vaccination exemptions are still legally recognized.

In an about-face from his earlier position in support of both personal and religious vaccine exemptions, Gov. Brown sided with the jab pushers this time, parroting ad nausem the mindless rhetoric of the bill’s authors, Senators Dr. Richard Pan (Sacramento) and Ben Allen (Santa Monica), who both believe that children should be forcibly vaccinated in accordance with the official government vaccine schedule.

Claiming that the legislation is necessary to support “science,” the bill’s supporters are hailing its passage as a boon for public health. But the opposition, many of whom have witnessed first-hand the damage caused by vaccines, are furious about this monumental affront to health freedom. Many parents are pulling their children out of school rather than vaccinating them, and some are even threatening to move out of the state.

“No way is anyone injecting something into either of my children without my consent,” stated Elaine Shtein, a parent from San Jose whose five-year-old son was diagnosed with autism shortly after being vaccinated as a baby, to the San Jose Mercury News back in April.

The Rest…HERE

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