Friends, 33,000 Military Personnel Are Deploying Into The Pacific To Train For War, Global Economic Collapse Is On The Horizon Yet Nothing From The State Controlled Media?

Thursday, July 2, 2015
By Paul Martin
JULY 1, 2015

Here’s another story conveniently omitted from your evening news, it’s called operation Talisman Sabre and it’s coming soon.

Scheduled at just the right time as the global economy trembles because nations of the world are defaulting on debts from the international banking cabal… The militaries of the world prepare for the inevitable call to war.

As Randolph Bourne said “War is the Health of the State” and the only way out of the impending global economic collapse is to feed the war machine fresh bullets and fresh bodies.

Friends, Jade Helm 15 officially goes live in a few weeks. It will span 10 US states… And nearly simultaneously, from July 4th through the 19th, several thousand miles away more than 33,000 United States and Australian military personnel will be engaged in Operation Talisman Sabre.

This show of military power comes at a time when tensions with China over their man-made naval stations in the South China Sea are reaching a steady boil.

Early last month China concluded “Crossing 2015, a full scale live fire military exercise deep in the Mongolian desert.

And wouldn’t you know… At the exact same time Talisman Sabre 2015 goes live with Jade Helm 15 – China has issued a warning – complete with naval coordinates – for all navies to steer clear of their latest live fire exercises in the south China Sea.

China is more than ready – and making sure the world knows.

Talisman Sabre will deploy 21 ships, including the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS George Washington, more than 200 aircraft, and three submarines.

But it isn’t limited to just the Pacific region multiple locations WITHIN the U.S will host maneuvers, Pearl Harbor, San Diego, Virginia and Guam; and multiple locations WITHIN Australia near Shoalwater Bay.

That’s not all… they’re calling this a “whole-of-government effort” as it includes participation from international organizations like the World Food Programme and the United Nations.

As if that’s not enough US Federal law enforcement is getting in on the action as the FBI joins the U.S. Departments of State (DoS), Justice (DoJ) and Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the American Red Cross.

In 2011 Talisman Saber included Amphibious assault landings, Tank warfare training, and urban combat scenarios, paratrooper drops and more

The military says “Talisman Sabre is a realistic and challenging exercise that brings service members closer and improves both nations’ ability to work bilaterally, and prepares them to be poised to provide security regionally and globally.”

Friends, 33,000 military personnel are deploying into the Pacific to train for war, global economic collapse is on the horizon yet nothing from the state controlled media?

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