How Fast Can a Strip Mall Be Turned Into a FEMA Camp?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
01 July, 2015

In response to yesterday’s article which demonstrated how many malls are being constructed with guard towers, I received the following response i which I was quoted and then chastized:

“Following this report, Herb Lane followed up with some very disturbing information about this development. In Herb’s photos, they clearly show guard towers. Unfortunately, his photos could neither be “print screened” or converted to a JPEG, and as such, cannot be reproduced here” HOW CONVENIENT!

After reading today’s article, this gentleman will have absolutely no trouble understanding just how grave the situation is. Not only will this individual come to appreciate the danger that we are under with these developments and along with the concurrent roll out of Jade Helm, he will also learn how quickly a strip mall can be converted to a FEMA camp.

Guard Towers In Marana, AZ.

Yesterday, I put out a request for Southern Arizona residents to investigate the construction of a new, suspicious mall which was being constructed with guard towers like so many other shopping centers and strip malls in Canada, the UK and the U.S.

Brian Nelson was among several people who descended upon the mall to bring the members of “Sheeple Nation” the truth about what plans the globalists have in store for millions of Americans.

The Rest…HERE

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