Governor Jerry Brown mandates a mass medical vaccine experiment on blacks by signing SB 277 into law… total violation of medical ethics… brings back Tuskegee era medical crimes

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Mike Adams
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Governor Jerry Brown now goes down in history as the first person to legalize a state-wide medical vaccine experiment on blacks. He signed SB 277 into law today, reawakening the era of Tuskegee’s medical experiments against blacks while invoking the same twisted justifications as Tuskegee: It’s for “public health!”

In this pharmaceutical-funded sellout of his own citizens, Governor Jerry “Tuskegee” Brown also openly violates the American Medical Association’s own Code of Medical Ethics which says that patients, not government, should have the final say on medical interventions. And this from a Democrat Governor who claims to support “choice!” When it comes to injecting your children with toxic, brain-damaging vaccines laced with mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG, Jerry Brown has no hesitation in stripping away that choice, making parents obedient slaves to the California medical police state.

With this decision, Gov. Brown knowingly and disproportionately places black children at risk of permanent damage from vaccines, as explained below using the public confession of the CDC’s own top scientist!

The Rest…HERE

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