Hawk Knocked Off Air While Talking About Russia Spetsnaz, Internet Outages, Electronic Warfare

Saturday, February 28, 2015
By Paul Martin

Live Free Or Die
February 27, 2015

In this newly released episode of Hawk’s radio show, Hawk is completely knocked off the air for a substantial period of time, several times, before returning at the 19 minute 40 second mark to recap what he had been talking about including recent internet outages across America, Russia preparing to defend the Arctic region (where they will be building 10 additional bases within the next 2 years) as well as recent documented cases of what could be electronic warfare including Russian strategic bombers flying off of the west coast taking out the air traffic control systems in Los Angeles as well as the USS Donald Cook being totally disabled by a Russian bomber while on patrol in the Black Sea.

Hawk then gives us some new information from a ‘deep background source’ about a US Submarine operation in the Artic that was forced to do an ’emergency blow’ to bring the ship to the surface after electronic weapons were used against it, causing it to go totally dark. Hawk tells us that we won’t be hearing about this latest information from the MSM as most of those who know about it will do everything they can to keep this information under the radar.
Hawk then gets into the internet outage in Arizona on February 25th, which he tells us was most likely done by Russian spetsnaz rather than vandals as we’ve been told that completely crippled businesses, schools, and banks and which, coincidentally or not, saw similar events transpire in Florida and Oklahoma as well.

What will be coming next? This warning alert from the website of Steve Quayle gives us one possibility that should be a great concern to all of us.:

If say this group manages to damage a major substations and take out the big transformers you now have a major city without: electricity, water (need electricity to run the pumps), internet, cell phone reception and last but not least 911.

The Rest…HERE

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