Report: Walmart Begins to Sell Out of AR-15 Ammo

Friday, February 27, 2015
By Paul Martin

Panic buying causes shortages after release of ATF proposal to ban bullets

Paul Joseph Watson
February 27, 2015

As gun shops report shortages of AR-15 ammunition following the ATF’s proposal to prohibit the sale of steel-tipped 5.56-millimeter bullets, one reader contacted us to report that his local Walmart had sold out of the ammo despite having substantial stocks just two weeks ago.

Yesterday it was revealed that the ATF intends to ban sales of the ammunition, typically used by sports shooters, in the name of protecting law enforcement officers from “the threat posed by ammunition capable of penetrating a protective vest.”

Gun stores immediately reported that people were panic buying cases of the bullets, with Ryan Cook, manager of Eagle Armory in Springfield, noting that suppliers were telling him “there was none available to order”.

It appears as though some Walmart stores are also beginning to sell out of the same ammunition.

Alex Jones Show listener Monte Bosak contacted us to relate how his local Walmart in Anchorage, AK went from having “way too much” of the ammo in question two weeks ago, according to the store clerk, to completely selling out after yesterday’s announcement.

“Two weeks ago, I purchased a thousand rounds of XM855 62 grain green tip ammo at this exact Walmart location for $350,” writes Bosak. “While purchasing, I spoke to the lady who works the gun counter and asked her if she had been selling a lot of it. $350/1k rounds is extremely cheap. She said no they hadn’t been selling much of it, and that they had many pallets in the back… “way too much” as she put it.”

The Rest…HERE

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