Medical fascism now unfolding in Michigan as judge considers forced vaccination of children taken from their family
by: PF Louis
Friday, February 27, 2015
Four children, aged 10 and under, may have MMR vaccinations forced on them in Michigan. The reports all say measles vaccinations, but single measles vaccines aren’t used anymore. Merck is making multi-milllions off the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine in the USA, while GlaxoSmithKline is making hay in the EU with its MMR. More on the relevance of this later.
The four children are actually involved in a Michigan Child Protection Services (CPS) case for reasons other than vaccination issues. The parents have a history of drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. Their car was searched once, and crack pipes were found. There is no street drug worse than crack.
Those who use it shouldn’t have children in this author’s opinion. Currently, the four Michigan children are with their grandparents as wards of the state while the CPS custody case is still underway.
The parents had been jailed and the children put into state custody temporarily before, especially after police had to intervene with domestic violence. This time, the CPS is pushing for permanent separation of the children from their parents, Brian and Amy Kenny.
But the family court attorney, H. Elliot Parnes, upon discovering that none of the children have been vaccinated for measles, is petitioning the family court judge in this case to mandate that they all get the MMR vaccinations.
The attorney appointed to the parents, Attorney Daniel Bagdade, personally feels children should be vaccinated, but he is opposed to forced vaccinations and feels parents should have the right to make that decision.
Bagdade stated, “I am comfortable in representing my client in his position [to not vaccinate].” “No court, to my knowledge has ever ruled that it is illegal or neglectful to not get your kids immunized. We’re moving into some new territory here,” added Bagdade.
Indeed they are. And with the Disney measles outbreak hysteria, it’s likely that the family court judge, Lisa Langton, will mandate on the Februrary 11, 2015, hearing for all the kids to get the MMR. This could serve as the precedence for increased medical tyranny with forced vaccinations nationwide.
The Rest…HERE