Thursday, February 26, 2015
By Paul Martin

MI5 followed Mohammed Emwazi and placed him on terror watch list

FEBRUARY 26, 2015

The man said to be Jihadi John, a 27 year old Briton named Mohammed Emwazi, has a connection to British intelligence.

Emwazi is said to be the executioner in a number of ISIS videos, according to the U.S. government. The legitimacy of the beheading productions are disputed by experts.

According to The Daily Mail, Emwazi claimed the “MI5 knew ‘everything about me; where I lived, what I did, and the people I hanged around with’ and claimed the organization attempted to ‘turn’ him to work for them.”

Emwazi claimed to have been harassed and intimidated by security services in 2009 when he flew to Tanzania with friends on a safari. He was arrested in Dar es Salaam and sent back to Britain. In a stop over in Amsterdam, however, an MI5 agent allegedly accused him of trying to reach Somalia to join the terrorist group Al Shabaab.

The Rest…HERE

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