“Boot Licker”: Wheeler Faces Protests Before FCC Vote
“Obama’s bitch” set to give government control over the Internet
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
February 26, 2015
As the FCC prepares to vote today on reclassifying the Internet as a government utility, signs have appeared around Washington DC and Georgetown featuring the image of Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler next to the words “boot licker”.
The posters also feature the words “Obama’s bitch,” in the background, which is likely a reference to how Wheeler changed course and followed Obama’s directives on net neutrality after the President featured in a YouTube video on the subject, despite the fact that the FCC is supposed to be an independent agency.
Stop signs outside Wheeler’s house were also amended with stickers that read “Stop Wheeler — Don’t Brake the Internet’ [sic].
Wheeler refused to testify before Congress this week as he prepares to green light a 332 page “administrative law” which remains completely secret. The FCC chairman even issued a gag order on the release of the document to prevent it from being leaked before the vote.
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