Poll: Majority of Americans Support Invasion of Syria and Iraq to Put Down U.S.-trained Islamic State

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
By Paul Martin

FEBRUARY 25, 2015

Founding principles of America trashed as government prepares to expand war on terror

If a poll put out by Pew Research can be believed, a majority of Americans approve of the ISIS war and a narrow majority want ground troops sent to Iraq and Syria.

Due primarily to a ceaseless stream of horrific propaganda, 63% of Americans approve of airstrikes against ISIS positions while 30% disapprove.

“The possibility of sending U.S. ground troops to the region is more divisive, although the idea draws more support than it did four months ago. Currently, about as many favor (47%) as oppose (49%) sending U.S. ground troops to fight Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria; in October, 39% favored the idea and 55% opposed it,” Pew Research reports.

The Rest…HERE

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