If the FCC’s ‘Net Neutrality’ Plan is So Great, Why Can’t Anyone See It?
And why are liberals endorsing this huge threat to online freedom?
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
February 25, 2015
If the FCC’s plan to “protect” net neutrality and reign in the power of greedy corporations is so fantastic, then why haven’t its 332 pages been released for public consumption?
In a vote tomorrow, the Federal Communications Commission is expected to reclassify the Internet as a public utility under Title II of the Telecommunications Act.
Despite this mammoth change in the function of the web, no Congressional debate took place, no bills were introduced and no legislation was signed. The vast majority of Americans are unaware that this is even taking place since the news networks are offering scant coverage.
The change is being made under a form of “administrative law” in accordance with the Obama administration’s guidance, which claims it has the backing of millions of Americans.
If that’s the case then why can’t we see this amazing plan for Internet utopia? Why has Federal Communications Commission chairman Tom Wheeler refused to testify before Congress on the issue?
Why has Wheeler failed to properly address concerns voiced by critics, including FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, one of the few Americans to have seen the 332 page document, that the new rules will hand the feds the power to micromanage, license and censor the Internet and that the plan is a “solution” to a problem that doesn’t exist?
The Rest…HERE