The Media Is “Run By A Tiny Group Of Politically Motivated Moguls”, And “Controlled By The CIA”

Sunday, February 22, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

“Our media is not run by the government, and nor does it engage in widespread censorship. Instead, the media is run by a tiny group of politically motivated moguls, themselves in league with other private interests through advertising or personal networks….Rather than being a means to hold the powerful to account and fairly report issues, the media is the ultimate political lobbyist for our elite. We desperately need more opponents of the status quo in the mainstream media. The reason we don’t have any is because – in our deeply compromised democracy – the media is so often there to serve the interests of the rich.”
And if for some reason the “elite” don’t get their way with media propaganda, there is always plan B. What is Plan B? For the answer see “German Journalist Blows Whistle On How The CIA Controls The Media.”

The Rest…HERE

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