US/Turkey Sign Deal to Arm Death Squads in Syria …
..while the UN Calls for Assad Gov’t Ceasefire Against Death Squads
Brandon Turbeville
Friday, February 20, 2015
According to a Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary and the US Embassy in Ankara, the United States and Turkey have officially signed an agreement that would see the training and equipping of the phantom “moderate” Syrian “rebels” wreaking havoc on the Syrian people.
The deal was signed Thursday evening by Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu and U.S. Ambassador John Bass.
The U.S. Administration has been crowing for some time about a plan to train about 5,000 fighters per year for three years to fight against Assad in Syria and this agreement seems to be the public culmination of this specific plan. This assault on the Syrian government is, of course, being presented as an attempt to fight ISIS.
The U.S. military is also stating that it plans to send over 400 troops as well as Special Operations personnel to train these death squad fighters.
The United States and NATO have been promoting the false notion that there is such a thing as a moderate rebel inside Syria since the crisis came to a head in 2010 where the collective intelligence agencies of NATO countries and Israel began funding, organizing, training, arming, and directing Islamic extremists to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.
Ironically, this new agreement comes almost immediately after the United Nations and its NATO wing have publicly called for a ceasefire and truce in Aleppo. Of course, it is important to note that the calls for a truce have come in earnest after the Syrian military has surrounded the city and is poised to retake it.
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