The Megabanks Are Ready to Crumble: Are You Prepared?

Friday, February 20, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
20 Feb.,2015

One person wrote to me, yesterday, and innocently stated that his bank, Bank of America, could simply pay off their derivatives debt and that, in effect, there is nothing to worry about.

Dear Dave,
I read your articles every morning and even tho they have good information, but you are wrong about the economy crashing. I talked to my Bank of America Vice President yesterday and he told me you are a fear monger and a conspiracy theorist after I showed him articles you have written advising people to get their money out of the bank. He laughed at you and said anyone who reads this garbage should be put in a loony bin. He showed me figures which tells me you are wrong and everyone else like you such as the Hagmanns are wrong. Are you disinfo agent? Is this why you tell people to take their money out of the bank because you are part of a plot to collapse the system? Please stick to helping moms like Monica Wesolowsky and stay away from the financial stuff. You did a great job getting her son back. But there is nothing wrong with the economy. You scared my wife to death and she still wants to take our money out of Bank of America.
Robert ____
St. Louis. MO.

There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See

Robert’s wife must feel like its the Monday before Black Tuesday in 1929. I know that many of you have family members who think you are insane to suggest that your bank could fail. My heart breaks for many of my fellow Americans who will never know what hit them.

Despite several and multiple warnings coming from both this publication and dozens of others that the crash of the U.S. economy could come at any time, some people continue to go through life as if nothing is wrong.

Logic means nothing to the sheep of America, proof means nothing to these people, even scripture from Revelations means nothing. It is as if some people go from website to website and leave their message of ignorant bliss that our economy is fine and we will never have anything to worry about and anyone who says different, is a fear-monger. By the way, the term “fear monger”, just like the term, “conspiracy theorist”, was created by the mainstream media, in order to marginalize any individual who has serious concerns about the elite and their intentions regarding the direction that the planet is headed.

More Fear Mongering Wrapped Within a Conspiracy Theory

The Rest…HERE

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