The Government Is About To Take Over The Internet
by Ken Jorgustin
February 19, 2015
President Obama has been urging the FCC to declare ‘the internet’ a Title II utility under ‘the Communications Act’ – a government takeover.
The internet will not remain an open internet once the government essentially takes it over – and regulates it. When government bureaucrats and politicians get their hands on private enterprise (or pretty much anything) – in this case, the internet – it will cause great harm to an open Internet, competition, innovation, and eventually – FREE SPEECH – in my opinion.
The FCC will apparently be voting on FEB-26. You and I though, we have no say whatsoever.
It gets worse…
To make matters worse, ‘the most transparent administration ever’ (sarcasm) is hiding the regulations until approved! I’m not kidding. The 332 page regulation plan is being kept from the public.
The vote if passed by the FCC (it appears that it might – at the ‘urging’ of the President’), will adopt ‘net neutrality rules’ that redefine broadband internet as a regulated, communications service – essentially a public utility.
Note: Get ready for a bunch of new federal taxes disguised as access fees on the service.
While the phrase ‘net neutrality’ may sound appealing – don’t let it fool you…
The surface issue at hand is that it (government takeover) will prohibit Internet service providers from playing favorites, for example by offering speedier service to some content providers over others.
The Rest…HERE