Greece Is Just the Beginning. ISIS and Ukraine Are Skirmishes: “The Real War is Economic and Currency Related”

Thursday, February 19, 2015
By Paul Martin

Ron Holland
February 19th, 2015

This editorial was originally posted by Ron Holland at The Daily Bell.

Editor’s Note: Between the manipulation of gas & oil prices, to the contentious events in Ukraine, with ISIS in the Middle East and the new debt bomb in Greece, there is little doubt for anyone paying attention that a currency war is definitely underway.

The only question is: who will prevail, and who is holding a stronger hand?

Greece alone has the potential to unravel the Euro-zone and shatter the fragile dominoes across the global financial markets. And that’s just one area that is exploding.

Though Russia is taking a hit from the falling gas prices, and the combined effect of sanctions, it has also been furiously stockpiling gold and working with China and the BRICS nations to build a counter-balance to international development and currency manipulation, as SHTF has reported.

Something huge is happening with currencies on the global scene, but it is a quiet war – you won’t hear about it on the mainstream news. Just make sure it doesn’t sneak up on you; instead, be as prepared as you possibly can for whichever why the wind blows and the hammer falls. Have you considered your plan? Have you invested in gold, silver, storables or valuable barter items?

Are You Ready For Total Currency War?
By Ron Holland

The Rest…HERE

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