ISIS Is Painting The Middle East Red With The Blood Of Christians
By Michael Snyder
February 17th, 2015
Every day now, there are fresh news stories about Christians being slaughtered by ISIS in the Middle East. So where is the outrage from the White House? Where is the outrage from the Islamic world? If Islam truly was a “religion of peace”, prominent Islamic leaders all over the globe would be loudly condemning ISIS whenever another slaughter of Christians took place. And a White House statement about the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by ISIS the other day did not have the word “Christian” in it a single time. ISIS is painting the Middle East red with the blood of Christians, and most of the world seems to care very, very little. If thousands of people from some politically-favored group or religion were being savagely killed, the outcry would be deafening. But because Christians are being killed, it is not such a big deal. So exactly what does that say about how the world views Christians in 2015?
Without a doubt, Christians are being specifically targeted by ISIS. They are simply not going to submit to the Islamic rules and belief system that ISIS intends to impose on the areas that it conquers, so they are considered to be a “problem” that needs to be dealt with.
When 21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS jihadists in Libya, it shocked Christians all over the world. Those that released this video entitled it “A Message Signed With Blood to the Nation of the Cross”. Clearly, it was intended to strike fear in the hearts of Christian believers all over the planet. But the White House reaction did not contain the words “Christian”, “Islam” or “Muslim” a single time…
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