Beijing’s mayor declares city to be unlivable due to life-choking smog

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
By Paul Martin

by: Julie Wilson
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What may appear to foreigners as a city swathed in fog on a cold rainy day is really a Chinese city smothered in smog, a type of air pollution so dangerous that some officials refer to the city as “unliveable,” The Guardian reports.

Over recent years, China’s air pollution has grown increasingly worse, prompting government officials to call for total reform of its industrial practices. However, the trek to curb this environmental crisis has been a slow one, with economic growth still taking precedence over public safety.

Chinese officials blame the country’s increased pollution on widely distributed polluting factories, as well as a significant increase in the amount of motor vehicles on the roadways.

“At the present time, however, Beijing is not a liveable city,” said the city’s mayor, Wang Anshun.

Much of Hong Kong shrouded in smog most of the year

The Rest…HERE

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