Navy sailors suffer strange deformities after Fukushima exposure — “Testicles swell to size of tennis balls” after pants got so contaminated they set off radiation alarms — “Her arm swelled up, hand looked like baseball mitt” — “His fingers turned yellow, even brown… feet now dark red” (VIDEO)
February 16th, 2015
KOMO 4 News transcript, Feb 11, 2015 (emphasis added): Men and women sworn to serve, now suffering from mysterious health problems… Local rescuers find themselves battling for the truth — and their own survival… They had no idea of what was happening in coastal Fukushima… 3 of 6 nuclear reactors suffered meltdowns, then several explosions… prevailing winds sent most of that radiation over the Pacific, where the 7th Fleet was positioned… the sailors say no one aboard ship took any extra radiation protection measures [for] “probably about a week”… [Aviation Structural Mechanic Ron] Wright remembers one time the scanners went crazy over his trousers. “It was just being like beep, beep, beep, beep… I lost my pants.”… The Navy continuously reassured them… Within a month of Operation Tomodachi… he started experiencing painful swelling in his groin. He’s undergone 3 surgeries but expects to suffer pain the rest of his life. Even more frightening — Wright’s diagnosis of varicocele can lead to male infertility.
More on Wright’s health problems: They had to turn in the things that were deemed to be contaminated which were then burned… [He] had to turn in his pants and… walk through the ship in his underwear… “They always told us that we were safe”… One month later, his testicles swelled up to the size of tennis balls… the pain was unbearable… a doctor on board recommended that the young sailor be flown out, partially because he didn’t know what Wright was actually suffering from. Instead, he was given pain killers. And the treatment still hasn’t changed: Neurontin and Percocet… “When I asked if it might have something to do with the radiation from Fukushima, a doctor told me pretty gruffly no,” Wright says… “I have been operated on seven times, always in military hospitals. Nothing has helped. There has been no diagnosis, just the pills.”
The Rest…HERE