Concerning West Coast Port Lockdown–next is a lock out, a martial law if you will, at every port relinquishing all authority over all Americas ports to the federal government legally!
Feb 17, 2015
I expressed concerns of a simultaneous strike at our east and west coast ports in my last email. I attached a YouTube video confirming this possibility from 2011, in which current east coast president Harold Dagget expresses his goals of “solidarity” with the west coast union. In his words ” making history becoming the strongest union in the world”. During this time, the east coast contract negotiations were taking place in which Mr. Dagget invited Robert Mcellrath ( west coast president-ilwu) to sit in as his guest. Around the 5 minute mark in the video his response is ” I’ll be there because we are one”. As you know I work at the 2nd largest port on the east coast, for the past week or so, I’ve been told west coast cargo is currently being diverted through the Panama canal to east coast ports. If these two unions stand as their claiming in the video, this will cause a partial or complete shut down of all major ports in America! When an agreement of this magnitude is at a stalemate, the N.L.R.B. ( national labor relations board) or a government appointed mediator, has a set time to accomplish an agreement. If this fails what usually comes next is a lock out, a martial law if you will, at every port relinquishing all authority over all Americas ports to the federal government legally!! Often I hear the middle class is dead and for most this is true, but there is a faint pulse, a remnant of what’s left and they work at these ports. If this scenario plays out, they finish destroying the middle class wile suffocating what little life America has left in her!! Praying for you all,