50-Year Veteran Says Paul Craig Roberts Is Right – Warns 2015 Will Be The Year Of The Great Reckoning
February 17, 2015
With the price of gold and silver getting trashed, today a 50-year market veteran spoke with King World News about the real reason for today’s gold and silver smash. He also said that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is right and warned that 2015 will be the year of the great reckoning.
Eric King: “John, I know you’ve had a chance to read the KWN interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Dr. Roberts said the West has been completely and utterly defeated militarily in eastern Ukraine. When you look at the smash in gold and silver today, do you sometimes wonder how much of the irrational action in gold and silver is used as a distraction, especially since the Western central planners want to divert from the fact that their Ukraine Army has been thoroughly crushed in the east?”
John Embry: “I have always felt that one aspect of this whole takedown of gold and oil has been related to the Russian issue. I would also agree with Paul Craig Roberts that the West has now been thoroughly defeated in Ukraine.
Whenever there is bad news in the market, from the Western perspective, gold and silver get trashed. Well, I agree with Dr. Roberts that what has transpired in Ukraine is very bad news for the West and guess what: Gold and silver are being trashed. And to your point, Eric, one has to ask the obvious question today: Why are the gold and silver prices collapsing in the face of a news backdrop that should be sending them up sharply?….
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