Outrage: Border Patrol Ordered To Release All Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers: “Allow Them to Go On Their Way”

Monday, February 16, 2015
By Paul Martin

Mac Slavo
February 16th, 2015

If you are caught driving while intoxicated and happen to be an American citizen then you’re going to be arrested, fined, and potentially jailed – and rightfully so, as by driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs you are putting the lives of others in danger when you drive on public roads.

But, as we’ve come to learn in recent years, if you are an undocumented alien who has entered this country illegally, the laws don’t really apply to you. You not only get to break the law by entering the United States without authorization, but you also get free health care, housing, food and tax refunds even if you falsified your employment paperwork.

Though all of the afformentioned benefits have crossed the line as many hardworking Americans struggle to make ends meet for their own families while also paying for the free ride being given to illegal immigrants, the latest move by the Obama administration is nothing short of outrageous.

It is not only a slap in the face to Americans who are fed up with what are essentially two different legal systems, the new policy will result in the deaths of countless Americans.

According to Judicial Watch, the Obama administration has ordered all Border Patrol agents to stop apphrehending illegal aliens who have been detained for drunk driving.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Not only are illegal aliens being released and their violations of U.S. immigration law being ignored, but now, even if they are hammered drunk the Border Patrol has been advised to let them go on their way while under the influence.

The Rest…HERE

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