Striking similarities between vaccines and GMOs: both are untested and destroy life
by: Ethan A. Huff
Friday, February 13, 2015
Two of the most aggressively promoted “game changers” for health and nutrition — vaccines and GMOs — just so happen to be two of the most destructive elements in modern society. Neither have been thoroughly safety tested, and both have been shown in independent research to cause many of the problems which they are claimed to mitigate.
The similarities between these two agents of destruction are striking, yet the general public has been manipulated into believing that both were created for our good. How did this come to be? It all seems to stem from the widely held misbelief that man is smarter than nature — that nature is somehow broken and in need of fixing through alterations and reengineering.
“Humans suffer from hubris — we think we know better than nature, can fix it, manipulate it, and master it,” wrote Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., for GreenMedInfo about this terrible phenomenon, which has led to all sorts of abominable inventions that are actively destroying life.
In the case of both GMOs and vaccines, the foundational principle behind their respective creations is that natural organisms and inbred human immunity are somehow flawed. If it weren’t for modern science, food wouldn’t grow and humans would be dying of all sorts of preventable diseases, or so goes the myth.
This is utter nonsense, of course, but many people believe it. And the reason why a lie of this magnitude has so easily deceived so many people appears to be rooted in an epidemic of collective human pride. It is humbling to acknowledge that nature might just have all the answers we need, even if they can’t be fully explained or replicated.
The Rest…HERE