401k Nationalization…Higher Taxes…Socialism… Class Warfare…Civil Unrest…Loss of Property Rights… The End of America

Friday, February 13, 2015
By Paul Martin


For the First Time in His Presidency,
Obama Has Been Unleashed!

No Reelection, No Midterms, No Rule of Law

With his recent executive order to grant 10 million illegal aliens amnesty, Obama has revealed what his final years in office will look like.

Since taking office, Obama has run the deficit up by $9 trillion! And by his final month in office, this nation will be on the edge of having an official national debt of $20 trillion…

If interest rates rise to even 5%, the U.S. is looking at $1 trillion in annual interest payments, or more than double our revenues from income taxes and nearly half of all U.S. income from all taxes.

401k Nationalization is Almost Here

We’ve already seen several congressional hearings where union bosses, as well as some members of Congress, have floated the idea of having the government take control of our retirement accounts.

In fact, it’s public record that President Obama and Vice President Biden, prior to taking office, discussed some type of nationalization for 401k’s during the 2009 crisis. It’s an option they didn’t act on, but the very fact that it was discussed is alarming.

The Rest…HERE

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