Scientists set Doomsday Clock to three minutes to midnight amid fears of global nuclear war
by: J. D. Heyes
Thursday, February 12, 2015
The end of the world has not yet arrived — an obvious statement driven home by the fact that you’re currently alive and well and reading this article (for which I and Natural News are eternally grateful).
But we’re getting close to that moment. Dangerously close. Two minutes closer, to be precise.
That’s according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ “Doomsday Clock,” which was reset recently by the magazine’s staff in response to what they perceive as worsening socioeconomic, political and military situations around the globe. The clock is a measurement of how close the magazine’s editorial staff believe we are to the end of the world.
In recent days, the clock was reset to three minutes to midnight. Before then and since January 2012, the clock’s hands had been set at five minutes to midnight (midnight being the hour at which the world actually ends). The minute hand was moved ahead for the first time in three years because of rising nuclear concerns and what has been perceived as worsening climate science data (more on this in a moment).
Closest to doomsday since 1984
“The possibility of global catastrophe is really very high,” Kennette Benedict of the Bulletin of Atomic Sciences said, as reported by the website Mashable. “The choice is ours and the clock is ticking.”
The Rest…HERE