Leaders are Losing Control Over the Economy
by C Serpa
TBTB have lost control of everything except large cap stock market indexes and the paper price of US dollar gold and silver. In the case of gold and silver, there is a finite amount of physical supply, both in the ground and above ground.
The cost of production is far higher than the suppressed levels. This is why physical demand is at record levels and physical supply is on the verge of a historic plunge that will likely never be reversed.
When I use the word TBTB, I am not referring to the Bilderbergs or Rothschilds or any other fabricated term for the “Boogeyman.” Sure, there are politicians and bankers that collude on certain issues. But there is zero chance that these groups are working together toward anything and have no chance of success if they were, said Andy Hoffman in a podcast.
The Euro currency is not viable. Alan Greenspan said this week: Greece will leave the Eurozone and “ there is no way I can conceive of the Euro continuing.
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