Lawyer Who Shielded HSBC for the Largest Drug-and-Terrorism Money-Laundering Case as Next US Attorney General?
Loretta Lynch is Condoleeza Rice With A Law Degree
By Bruce A. Dixon
Global Research
February 12, 2015
By the late 1950s, America’s rulers knew domestic Jim Crow was a global strategic liability. All but diehard Southern white supremacists could see it was bad for business, that it interfered with America’s penetration of the former European colonial empires in Africa and Asia. The image of a settler state, built with stolen labor on stolen land, where lynch mobs and white violence could break out at any time, where blacks were legally under-educated couldn’t compete with the egalitarian rhetoric of the Soviet Union and China. It was bad for business.
Media and political elites singled out Dr. Martin Luther King as the favored face of what they called the civil rights movement before his 30th birthday. They awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 36, but shunned and denounced him in the final year of his life when he condemned not just racism, but economic injustice at home and imperial war abroad. King’s death at only 39 enabled the US elite to construct their own useful tool, the Dreamer, who is the Martin Luther King we mostly hear about today.
In the early 70s, serious enforcement of the Voting Rights Act began, while the US military, elite universities and corporations instituted what came to be known as “affirmative action.” The economic gains that ordinary black families made in the the 60s and 70s didn’t last. These were largely curtailed and rolled back beginning in the 80s and 90s. But by the turn of the century there were dozens of black admirals and generals, more than ten thousand blacks holding elected office, with many more un-elected officials from the US Secretary of State down to wardens of state and federal prisons, and a layer of black corporate functionaries, academics, celebrities and lawyers.
Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell were part of that layer, as are Susan Rice, Eric Holder, the despicable “Morehouse Man” Jeh Johnson at Homeland Security, and Loretta Lynch, whom President Obama has nominated to replace the first black attorney general, Eric Holder.
Lynch did her undergrad and law school at Harvard. She went from there to the prestigious NY firm Cahill Gordon & Rendall, the folks who represent Bank of America, Merril Lynch, Barclays, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and the like.
Lynch served her first term at the Justice Department co-chairing something called the White Collar Crime Subcommittee. But you won’t hear Lynch bragging about how many white collar criminals, fraudulent bankster, predatory speculators and greedy CEOs she’s locked up. Departments of Justice under both Democrats and Republicans simply don’t much go in for that kind of thing. It seems the only thing that qualified Lynch for a “White Collar Crime Subcommittee” was her expertise in advising and defending the few white collar criminals who got close to seeing the inside of a courtroom.
From DOJ Lynch returned to private practice, this time at Hogan & Hartson focusing on “commercial litigation, white collar criminal defense and corporate compliance issues”…in other words, keeping corporate criminals out of jail.
The Rest…HERE