Empire Of Lies

Thursday, February 12, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Charles Hugh-Smith

We are living in an era where a single statement of truth will drive a pin into the global bubble of phantom assets and debts, and the lies spewed to justify those bubbles.

How many nations are blessed with political and financial leaders who routinely state the unvarnished truth in public?

Only two come immediately to mind: Greece and Bhutan: Greece, where the new leadership repeatedly states the nation is bankrupt and extend-and-pretend policies are finished, and Bhutan, which explicitly rejects worshipping the false god of growth as measured by GDP (gross domestic product).

Bhutan has opted to measure well-being not by bogus “growth” (digging holes and filling them, and other Keynesian Cargo Cult nonsense), but by Gross Domestic Happiness: It’s Time to Retire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a Measure of Prosperity (April 18, 2014)

In other words, with remarkably few exceptions, the global Status Quo is a vast Empire of Lies.

The Rest…HERE

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