Warning: “The American Dream Is About To Drastically Change… It Is Time To Prepare Accordingly”
Tess Pennington
February 8th, 2015
End of an Era: Prospects Look Bleak For Slowing the Coming Food Crisis
By Tess Pennington
By and large, the majority of the population has deluded themselves into believing a bright future is upon the horizon. For years, economic forecasters and preppers alike have warned of the bottom dropping out of the economy. The proverbial doom prediction of “it’s not if, but when” is not just a phrase to add dramatic effect, it is a call to action. It’s a warning that the American dream is about to drastically change and that it is time to prepare accordingly.
The End of an Era
We have all seen the anomalous increase in food prices. We can blame it on the massive droughts, extreme weather patterns, and increased cost-of-living that has occurred over several years. While these factors certainly play into the equation, experts believe the root cause is that the world has entered into an era of “peak food” production. Peak production refers to a point at which the growth in production of a crop, animal or other foodstuff begins to slow down. Nine or ten food staples feed the world and they are slowing in their production.
New research finds that the supply of 21 staples, such as eggs, meat, vegetables and soybeans is already growing scarce, while the global population continues to soar.
Peak chicken production was in 2006, while milk and wheat both peaked in 2004 and rice peaked way back in 1988, according to new research from Yale University, Michigan State University and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany.
What makes the report particularly alarming is that so many crucial sources of food have peaked in a relatively short period of history, the researchers said.
“People often talk of substitution. If we run out of one substance we just substitute another. But if multiple resources are running out, we’ve got a problem. Mankind needs to accept that renewable raw materials are reaching their yield limits worldwide,” said Jianguo “Jack” Liu, of Michigan State University.
This synchronization of peak years is all the more worrying because it suggests the whole food system is becoming overwhelmed, making it extremely difficult to resurrect the fortunes of any one foodstuff, let alone all of them, the report suggested. Certainly we can just substitute foods before the production begins to plateau and decrease.
The Rest…HERE