Jack Mullen
A Vaccine Apocalypse is in progress Now in America. This is a war, started centuries ago and continues today because Americans have no education in the history of vaccines or the nature of medical tyranny.
There is a war raging against American Citizens, an attack, hidden and packaged in a religion of pretended Authority, presented and sold by an immoral and synthetic, media manufactured, culture of self-sacrifice, guilt, pacifism, denial and learned helplessness.
The phony, plastic, unnatural culture is supported by pseudo-science, monopoly capitalism, false intellectualism and a growing expression of violence against those beginning to see behind the mask of this specious malevolent deception.
Vaccination hysteria and a crescendoing push to validate, normalize and implement vaccinations for growing numbers of disease is one expression of this multi-headed serpent gathering strength via usurpation of an individual’s rights, responsibilities and sovereign authority over their property including their bodies.
“A 2012 study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the San Rafael, California Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, concluded that whooping cough, pertussis, occurs more among vaccinated children than children not vaccinated for pertussis with the DtaP vaccine that replaced the DTP vaccine.”[B]
The entire tainted history of vaccines has been riddled with fraud and deception. Without a working knowledge of the medical tyranny festering in America and the Western World, including the real history of vaccines, Americans cannot defend themselves in this war, which has been raging since the early 1800s.
The Rest…HERE