The Greatest Show on Earth!…”Every major market, every currency, every economy has been frantically suspended, in the “Greatest Show on Earth”.

Monday, February 9, 2015
By Paul Martin
February 9, 2015

Since the 2009 “stick save”, it’s been a surreal world we’ve been living in, watching a handful of banking families (and the central banking franchises they constructed) trying to juggle, well….everything in a collapsing environment.
Every major market, every currency, every economy has been frantically suspended, in the “Greatest Show on Earth”.

While the whole sham has been criminal, it’s also, surprisingly, been a blessing in disguise, as it has allowed us to lay out the case for what these banks are really doing to as many as possible! It has allowed us to tell our family, friends, and numerous others, what the score really is. While some of them may have scorned us, it doesn’t matter, because many others have listened, and have starting preparing for a post-dollar world.
The banksters have indeed “had a good run” in their criminality, their wars, and their debt-slavery. In the end though, the Yellens, the Bernankes, the Greenspans, and the endless gaggle of media talking heads and “economists” who worshiped them, were just all wet. There was always only one end game to this thing…

The Rest…HERE

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