Giant explosion that sparked fears of a ‘tactical nuke’ in Ukraine is caught on camera as diplomats warn Russia could target other Baltic states next

Monday, February 9, 2015
By Paul Martin

Huge explosion rocked city of Donetsk turning the night’s sky orange
Blast was so powerful it shattered windows and caused a mushroom cloud
Sparked fears that the explosion could have been a ‘tactical nuke’
But pro-Russian forces say it was caused by shelling of a chemical plant
Comes as diplomats predicted Russia could target other Baltic states
Estonia president compared appeasing Vladimir Putin to that of when Nazi Germany seize parts of Czechoslovakia

9 February 2015

A giant explosion which rocked the Ukrainian city of Donetsk sparked fears of a ‘tactical nuke’ after pro-government forces shelled a rebel-held chemical plant.
Mobile phone footage captured the moment of the explosion, which turned the night’s sky orange and was so powerful it could be heard as far away as downtown Donetsk, almost four miles away.
The blast came as diplomats predicted that Russia could target other Baltic states, if they are allowed to hold on to eastern Ukraine.

Last night, locals posting on social media speculated it was could have been caused by a nuclear weapon due to the ferocity of the shelling and the impact on the chemical plant.
It also temporarily caused a mushroom cloud to hang over the city with the bombing shattering windows and shaking building foundations.

The Rest…HERE

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