Abandon Ship – Its Every Man for Himself

Monday, February 9, 2015
By Paul Martin

By:Captain Hook
Monday, 9 February 2015

Who could forget those piercing words shouted out from the Titanic’s Captain Smith as he gave the command “abandon ship – its every man for himself”, as it became obvious all was lost. To just about everybody’s amazement, the unsinkable Titanic was going under, and there was nothing the crew or engineers could do about it. Fast forward to today, and this makes for some powerful imagery when put against our supposedly unsinkable modern day fiat currency economies – bubble economies that only those as delusional as those thinking the Titanic could not sink would dare to characterize as stable – steady as she goes. Central, in this we regard, we have central bankers (see Draghi’s comments attached), who are the ‘rock stars’ of our Keynesian based interventionist economies.

It’s important to understand all this before we go on to talk about how is change is in the wind right now, even as the European Central Bank (ECB) has just instituted a new Quantitative Easing (QE) program in the Eurozone (excluding Greece); this, where it should be noted former Bank of England head Mervyn King commented recently that QE does not work, because it didn’t in the States according to Alan Greenspan. It’s amazing these guys will only tell the truth once they are out of office – no? Why is this the case? Answer: By design, QE is not aimed at enriching the middle class because this would bring on uncontrollable inflation outside of asset prices, which would not be the prescription for central authorities and their increasingly enriched corporate masters. (i.e. think oligarchs.)

It must be remembered the aim of central banks is to do whatever is best for the larger banking community (meaning the too big to fail mega-banks these days), whose interests are directly aligned with the larger bureaucracy due to incestuous relations that range from currency creation mechanisms to political contributions from the largest lobby in the world – the mega-banks and their ilk. Funny thing is though, because the life cycle of these characters raping and pillaging the globe is now fully mature, the ship appears to be taking on water with calls beginning to come in to break up the biggies before it’s too late. Of course Jamie Diamond’s ego would never allow for that, so he will likely go down with the ship eventually.

The Rest…HERE

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