Obama Wants Congressional Authorization for Unlimited War
By Stephen Lendman
Global Research
February 08, 2015
What do you call a nation permanently at war with invented enemies? An asylum run by lunatics.
They infest Washington. Many influence policies. Others make it. Obama already risks the unthinkable. Possible war with Russia.
Using Ukraine as a dagger at its heartland. Positioning thousands of US-led NATO troops near its borders. Recklessly risking nuclear war.
Daily events should scare everyone. “NATO Boosts Rapid Reaction Strike Force For War With Russia,” Stop NATO headlined.
Claiming growing threats doesn’t wash. Invented ones stoke fear-mongering. Provoking Russia irresponsibly risks the unthinkable.
America and Israel alone threaten world peace and stability. Go-along NATO partners share blame.
Positioning their forces in so-called “front line” states near Russia’s borders risks serious trouble.
On February 5, The New Times featured an AP report headlined “Obama Poised to Ask Congress for New War Authorization.”
Allegedly to fight IS terrorists. A pretext for unconstrained war his discretion. Against any designated adversary.
With almost certain congressional support once both sides of the aisle agree on language.
A previous article suggested possible US boots on the ground in Donbas. Maybe Obama plans bombing rebels.
Given continued anti-Russian policies, direct confronting looms increasingly possible. Maybe a major false flag away.
AP said House Speaker John Boehner said it’s up to Obama to rally public support for his agenda.
“His actions are going to be an important part of trying for us to get the votes to actually pass an authorization,” he claimed.
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