National media wages psychological terror campaign against Americans to set stage for government destruction of medical choice
by Mike Adams
Saturday, February 07, 2015
Following the staged terror attacks of 9/11, the national media whipped up the public’s anger and hatred against “terrorists” with a relentless psychological campaign of “news terror” against American citizens. This anger and hatred, of course, was necessary to garner public support for passage of the Patriot Act, arguably the most freedom-crushing piece of legislation ever signed into law in America.
It is under the Patriot Act that animal rights activists are now arrested and charged as “domestic terrorists.” It’s the Patriot Act that gave the FBI and NSA the authority to surveil all Americans’ phone calls, emails and web surfing behavior. The Patriot Act was claimed to be a weapon of law enforcement against evil terrorists, but just as many of us warned would happen, it was very quickly turned against the American people who are its main target today.
Thanks to the media fervor that spread hatred and anger, we now live under an police state where our Fourth Amendment rights have been obliterated; police forces across the nation are equipped with armored military vehicles and frontline battle weapons; and where a shocking 64% of journalists now say they believe the government is spying on them. (The other 36% are simply ignorant.)
First, lie about those who believe in liberty
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