The State Of Texas Accepts Sharia Law, And Will Have The First Sharia Court In The United States

Friday, February 6, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Theodore Shoebat
February 4, 2015

The state of Texas has accepted Sharia law. The city of Irving, Texas, will be the first to have an official Sharia court in the United States. I did a whole video on this:

According to the report (thanks to Right Scoop):

A group of Muslims in northern Texas has created what may be the first official Shariah law system in the United States.

The Shariah tribunal in Irving, Texas, is trying to assure Americans they’re not planning to follow the type of Shariah law practiced in Muslim countries.

In those places, severe punishments are common, women have very few rights, and blasphemy against Mohammed can result in a death sentence.

But tribunal judge Imam Moujahed Bakhach is denying that will happen in America.

“The misconception about what they see through the media is that Shariah means cut the head, chop the heads, cut the hands, and we are not in that,” he said. “We are not here to invade the White House or invade Austin.”

The Rest…HERE

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