Billionaire Eric Sprott Just Made One Of The Most Dire Predictions Of 2015
February 06, 2015
Today billionaire Eric Sprott warned King World News that massive derivatives losses have already taken place that are currently being hidden from the public. He then issued one of the most dire predictions of 2015.
Eric King: “What is going to trigger the disaster that brings the world back to reality?”
Sprott: “There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the disaster. It is a disaster when a currency falls by 30 percent. These things that are going on are absolutely insane….
Chaos And Enormous Financial Destruction
Look at the chaos. You have no idea what’s going to happen to a currency the next day. Brazil’s currency is crashing. We’ve had oil fall (over) 50 percent and various other commodities have collapsed. Bond yields have gone up today, so some guy who is levered long the bonds — he’s getting killed today. There has to be a lot of hurt going on out there.
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