Meet The Man Behind The Scenes: The “Pro-Market Socialist” Banker Who Will Shape “Europe’s Financial Future”

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden

While the media world follows every step of the new Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis (or “YV”) with morbid fascination, and for good reason – he is so subdued it makes him flamboyant to a media world unaccustomed with modesty – the truth is that, for all his best intentions, Yanis as well as the Prime Minister, are merely frontmen for popular consumption. The real brains behind the latest Greek attempt at tearing away the hated “oppressive” shackles of debt (which nobody had a problem incurring originally when everything was going smoothly, but that’s a topic for another day) is a banker who sits 3000 kilometers away, on Paris’ Boulevard Hausmann, and who is a self-described “pro-market socialist”, and fan of The Clash. Meet Lazard’s Matthieu Pigasse, the banker, whose actions in the next few days, as the WSJ puts it, will shape “Europe’s financial future.”

The Rest…HERE

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