Jim Willie: The Shemitah – Currency Reset to Devalue Dollar by 80%
by C Serpa
The Shemitah is a biblical cycle that predicts an economic downturn of crisis that has been occuring in recent history every 7 years, according to the author Jonathan Cahn of “The Harbinger.”
An article by Michael Snyder outlines its premises here. It not only appears anecdotally sound, but a great mathematical mind has now noticed it, and has done his mathematical calculation on the odds of its natural occurence. In an interview with Perpetual Assets on Feb.2, 2105, Jim Willie says:
The odds of the Shemitah cycle being random is 61.8 Billion to one, according to my math. I believe the the crisis in 2015 is going to be worse than the Lehman Brothers in 2008.
It will be the year the dollar faces its death, and I say
it has already begun.
The nations of the world will SCREAM for
something to replace the dollar as the standard.
The goal for this currency reset is for a total of 80% devaluation.
The Shemitah [46 minute mark]
“There’s a cycle that’s been going on and it’s remarkable. Every 7 years there’s a big financial crisis. On 2008 there was that financial crash and before that it was 9-11 in 2001 and the ensuing Patriot Act. Before that, in 1994 it was the Mexican peso. In 1987, it was “Black Monday.” In 1980 it was the Hunt Brothers, when gold and silver peaked. In 1973 was the Arab Oil Embargo.
Let’s just stop there because I struggled to find what happened in 1966. So, we are due for a crisis in 2015 and I say it has already begun. Being a probability guru, my colleagues put forth a question. What is the probability of it happening every 7 years?
The Rest…HERE