Civil War II and the Coming Breakup of America

Wednesday, February 4, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
04 Jan.,2015

Can Americans Win a Guerrilla War Against the Banker Occupation Forces? This is still an open question and the answer to the question should be rephrased to “Does America have the stomach fight a guerrilla war against the banker occupation forces? The fact remains that the civil war has already begun”

Benghazi is the one event that President Obama cannot make go away. This article will review the facts that demonstrate that the Benghazi affair was connected to an attempted military coup against Obama which subsequently failed. However, the motivation behind the coup did not die with Ambassador Stevens, it has only changed form and has now morphed into civil war mode. This is a two part series which examines why it is likely that the coming civil war will be a guerrilla war. Further, a convincing case will be made that the Benghazi incident will serve as the flash point for this emerging civil war. Also, the next part in this series will expose how the dead bankers and earthquakes in Connecticut factors into this crisis.

Four Types of Conflict

How can one be certain that the coming conflict will be a guerrilla war. Military strategists identify four levels of conflict; (1) nuclear war is the trump card of all conflicts; 2) conventional warfare; (3) guerrilla warfare; and, (4) terrorism.

Terrorism is the least preferred option by any insurgent group. With terrorism, there is absolutely no hope of final victory because territory is never occupied. For that reason, nobody aspires to engage in terrorism if they have a viable alternative and the American people do have a choice given how well armed we are.

While some of the 260+ command level officers fired by Obama are privately informing many of us in the media about the current state of affairs, they are not on the record. Other than self-preservation, the major reason why these former military commanders are not on the record is because some of them are involved in planning a guerrilla war against the occupation forces commanded by this administration under the auspices of DHS. One of my sources state that the coming civil war will be a guerrilla war and it will be prolonged. Another former General has told me that the American people do not have the stomach for guerrilla war and that majority of our people will lay down like sheep and be slaughtered.

Can Americans Win a Guerrilla War Against the Banker Occupation Forces?

The Rest…HERE

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