Christians Can Opt Out of ObamaCare. This Outrages Lefties. Tough.
By Gary North
February 4, 2015
My wife is a member of Christian Health Care Ministries. At age 64, she pays $1,000 a year. What are you paying? You are probably younger, yet you pay more.
You are forced to do this by ObamaCare. My wife is exempt from ObamaCare. Maybe you can be, too.
If you are a Christian, you can cut your health insurance costs by half — maybe more. You can stay out of ObamaCare’s clutches. It’s all legal. These programs got onto the “need not comply” list in 2010. It’s the law. It’s a done deal. The Republicans in Congress are not about to put their constituents back into the “skin them for other people’s health care” pot. The horses are out of Obama’s barn.
This has the Left in a tizzy fit. The thought of it! Bible-believing Christians get a free pass. The atheists must pay full scale. But ObamaCare is a wealth redistribution scheme, as voters know now. So, atheists pay for ObamaCare’s welfare clients, too. Christians don’t pay this if they don’t want to.
My wife does not want to.
Tough providence, atheists! You got Obama. Then he got you. You deserve each other. Warm fuzzies to you all.
Read a cry of Leftist moral outrage in The New York Times. The author is an untenured assistant professor on the public payroll at the University of North Carolina. If she gets tenure, she will be in fat city for the rest of her career. But if she doesn’t, she faces this prospect: teaching at a community college as an untenured adjunct instructor who makes $20/hour, with no health insurance or retirement program, by teaching 150 mediocre (or worse) students each term. You can read about this here. Grim.
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