US Officials Blow the Whistle on Secret CIA, Mossad Operation in Syria

Tuesday, February 3, 2015
By Paul Martin

By Aaron Nelson
Global Research
February 03, 2015

Detonating a car bomb in a civilian-populated area and denying any involvement in the attack is called terrorism when our enemies do it.

But what if the terror attack is backed by Israel and the United States?

Speaking only under the condition of anonymity, 5 former U.S. intelligence officials told The Washington Post that the Central Intelligence Agency tracked Imad Mughniyah for at least a year before killing him in a joint operation with the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

By studying Mughniyah’s daily routine, a strategy for the attack was masterminded and carried out in secret by the ‘good guys’. A truth which remained untold until last week.

According to their report, it was Israel who initially approached the CIA about the joint assassination, but former U.S. President George W. Bush is who authorized the operation after securing approval from the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Adviser, and the Justice Department.

It’s also illegal.

The Rest…HERE

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