One Year In Hell…Surviving a Full SHTF Collapse in Bosnia
February 2, 2015
Many in the precious metals community are eagerly anticipating a complete systemic collapse of the financial system because as “preppers”, they expect to not only survive, but to prosper in a SHTF scenario. We suspect however that the following MUST READ account of surviving the Bosnian war in the midst of a complete collapse of the grid & financial system will be eye-opening in just how difficult it is to survive a full-on Mad Max scenario, even if one has spent years preparing for it.
I am from Bosnia. Between 1992 and 1995, it was hell.
For one year, I lived and survived in a city with 6,000 people without water, electricity, gasoline, medical help, civil defense, distribution service, any kind of traditional service or centralized rule.
Money soon became worthless. We returned to an exchange. For a tin can of tushonka (think Soviet spam), you could have a woman.
Arms, ammunition, candles, lighters, antibiotics, gasoline, batteries and food. We fought for these things like animals.
In these situations, it all changes. Men become monsters.
Strength was in numbers. For a man living alone, getting killed and robbed would be just a matter of time, even if he was armed.
The following is my experience…
The Rest…HERE