New Jersey Teens Just Learned What Happens When You Start A Business In America
by Tyler Durden
Two enterprising teenagers in NJ were going around their neighborhood advertising their snow-shoveling service right before the big storm hit. But in the New America where security trumps all else, a local resident called the police to report about the teens’ “suspicious activity,” who actually came out to investigate since, apparently running a snow-shoveling business is something that only criminal terrorists would do. Even when the police saw that it was just two harmless kids trying to earn some money, they forced them to stop (because in the Land of the Free, it seems you need a permit in order to offer to shovel snow for people). Just think about the lesson that’s being reinforced here: if you get off your ass, go out there, and try to take charge of your financial future, you’ll end up with nothing but a bunch of headaches, accusations, and unpleasant encounters with the government.
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