Gov’t & Media Using Measles To Shame Parents, Mandate Vaccinations
SGT Report
February 3, 2015
More fear mongering and lies to report on and expose. To hear the mainstream mockingbird media tell it, measles is the return of the black plague. Run to your nearest Doctor’s office and get an injection of delicious, effective vaccine. You’re a nut if you don’t. It’s true, I heard it on The Today Show this morning.
All because 100 people have contracted the measles so far, nationwide. One hundred. It’s practically an epidemic. The CDC is sounding the alarm calling it “a nationwide outbreak”.
So of course Hillary Clinton is jumping on the bandwagon too. On Monday she tweeted The science is clear. The earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccines work. Let’s protect all our kids.
The problem is, Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media are LIARS. Neither Hillary Clinton, nor The Today Show, nor the CDC, nor Chris Christie who says parents should have “some measure of choice” about vaccines will tell you the truth.
That’s our job. And the truth is that recently the CDC was busted COVERING UP the hardcore DATA about the MMR vaccine causing autism. And for those who are unaware, the MMR vaccine stands for MEASLES, MUMPS & Rubella.
The Rest…HERE