Every American Should Spend a Day In Jail

Tuesday, February 3, 2015
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
03 Jan.,2015

I get 200-300 emails everyday. I frequently hear from foreign nationals who read what I write on this website. These people write to me from global hot spots like Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, the Philippines, etc. There is a consistent theme that emanates from these countries that have experienced American imperialism in one form or another. In nearly every case, the theme of their contacts is the same in that they ask me how I can pretend to write in the name of justice while ignoring the human slaughter and unimaginable suffering that U.S. forces have caused around the world in the name of corporate greed and profit? These people have a point, an undeniable point.

The CIA Sponsored ISIS

Make no mistake about it, ISIS is a CIA creation which was allowed to grow by American military equipment purposefully left behind in Iraq in violation of our laws which calls for the complete destruction of military equipment upon exiting a theater of war.

Presently, the CIA sponsored ISIS is raging through Syria leaving a path of destruction reminiscent of General Sherman’s scorched earth policy in his infamous “march to the sea” in the Civil War. And they are doing so with American military equipment.

Where Is Our Humanity?

The Rest…HERE

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