As Its Domestic Foundations Rapidly Erode, the U.S. Pursues World Domination

Sunday, February 1, 2015
By Paul Martin

Michael Payne
February 1, 2015

A foundation is a base, the cornerstone, the solid rock on which a structure rests. The foundations upon which America was built, its Constitution, its democracy, and standards of ethics and morality are what made this a great nation. But, at this point in America’s history these foundations continue to rapidly erode while this government recklessly pursues an agenda of world domination.

Now within these major foundations there are what we might call sub-foundations that involve educating this country’s citizens, conducting its commerce, maintaining its economy, providing for the safety and security of the nation, and attending to the needs of its people.

Let’s identify these eroding sub-foundations and ask some very pertinent questions relative to their current condition.

Why have we allowed our system of education, especially in the areas of science and math, to decline to such a degree? Wy do our students finish college weighed down with such monumental debt? Why is our manufacturing sector withering, with China, not a real friend or ally, taking over the production of the largest proportion of our products? How very dangerous is that?

How much longer will we let our national infrastructure continue to deteriorate? In this article Senator Bernie Sanders warns that our roads and bridges are in great disrepair; that we have significant deficiencies with our dams and waterways, our drinking water and wastewater systems, broadband, the electrical grid and other key elements of this infrastructure. China and Japan have lightning fast bullets train, America has the old worn out, obsolete Amtrak railroad system.

The Rest…HERE

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