The Fastest Growing Religion In America Is Witchcraft
By Michael Snyder
October 30th, 2013
What is the fastest growing religion in the United States? If you said Christianity, you would be way off. In fact, the most recent numbers show that Christianity is in a serious state of decline in America. If you said Islam, you are much closer to a correct answer. Islam is the fastest growing major religion in the United States. But there is a faith that is growing even faster than Islam. It is called Wicca, and it is currently growing at an astounding pace. Wicca emerged as a faith in the middle of the 20th century, but the origins of many Wiccan practices actually go back for thousands of years, and some researchers believe that certain aspects of Wicca can actually be traced all the way back to ancient Babylon. According to Wikipedia, Wicca “is a modern pagan, witchcraft religion”. It has been estimated that the number of Americans that are Wiccans is doubling every 30 months, and at this point there are more than 200,000 registered witches and approximately 8 million unregistered practitioners of Wicca. And it is important to remember that Wicca is just one form of witchcraft. There are many other “darker” forms of witchcraft that are also experiencing tremendous growth.
This is a trend that didn’t just start a few years ago. In fact, according to Wikipedia, Wicca experienced an average annual growth rate of 143 percent in the United States between 1990 and 2001…
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