Is This The Black Swan That Will Make Gold Skyrocket
October 31, 2012
King World News has put out a series of interviews demonstrating that large chunks central bank gold are missing from central bank vaults. Today KWN is releasing statements from two 40-year veterans, Bill Haynes, President of CMI Gold & Silver, and John Hathaway, the prolific manager of the Tocqueville Gold Fund.
Remarkably, in 2001 Hathaway stated, “What is going on here? A decline equating to 227.7 million ounces, or 87% of the US gold reserve demands a more than perfunctory explanation … The US government may have already expended considerable resources to hold the gold price in check.”
There is more from Hathaway below, but first, here is what Haynes had to say: “Eric, that is a black swan type of thing (if the entire German gold hoard is gone). The plan right now is for future currency debasement. But if it turns out that some official, some whistleblower comes forth from the Bundesbank and says the gold is gone. The bullion banks used it, they sold it into the market.”
Bill Haynes continues:
“They used it in the 90s to suppress the price of gold. It’s not there and the German people are waiting for it to come back. That’s a black swan that could really make prices skyrocket. Don’t know that anyone is going to come forth to validate what Turk is saying, but let’s remember that Turk wrote about this in 2001, and he’s not backing off of what he said.
He’s saying that gold was leased, and that the vaults could very well be empty…..
The Rest…HERE