NYT on Hurricane Sandy: We’re Doomed Without FEMA and Big Government
Kurt Nimmo
October 30, 2012
Hurricane Sandy’s blustery entrance and exit gave the New York Times the opportunity to climb up on its soapbox and celebrate FEMA and large government. It also provided the establishment’s Newspaper of Record the chance to slam Romney for his insincere campaign rhetoric on states’ rights.
“It’s an absurd notion, but it’s fully in line with decades of Republican resistance to federal emergency planning. FEMA, created by President Jimmy Carter, was elevated to cabinet rank in the Bill Clinton administration, but was then demoted by President George W. Bush, who neglected it, subsumed it into the Department of Homeland Security, and placed it in the control of political hacks. The disaster of Hurricane Katrina was just waiting to happen,” the Times writes.
Oddly, the Times characterizes FEMA as a “properly functioning federal agency” despite the fact most of its budget has found its way into “black” and classified projects. In short, it is a front for secret government operations. A 1992 study by the Cox Newspapers Group found that during 1982-1992 FEMA’s budgets included only $243 million for disaster relief but $2.9 billion for black ops, according to Harry Helms, author of Inside the Shadow Government: National Emergencies and the Cult of Secrecy.
“Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress,” writes Harry V. Martin.
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